Weird Uniforms From Around the World

40+ Weird And Funny Uniforms From Around the World

Have you ever looked at a uniform and wondered to yourself how someone was allowed to design it that way? You don’t want to blurt anything out as that would be rude, but you can’t help but wonder why it was ever allowed to be designed in the manner it was.

That’s kind of what we want to talk about today, as there are some bizarre uniforms out there, kiddies. Yet, we will not try to be disrespectful in any way. We’re just going to call them as we see em’, so let’s get started.

[post_page_title]Going the extra mile[/post_page_title]

Hey, you have to give credit where credit is due sometimes. These soldiers have gone the extra mile to ensure their uniforms are both intimidating and stylish. As if the military really cares about how they look, but we digress.

Going the extra mile

Anyway, this is a Taiwanese military unit, and they’re certainly dressed for the occasion. Special props need to be given to the black face paint. If there’s one thing everyone knows when a man dons face paint, he isn’t messing around.

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