WandaVision Details And Easter Eggs With Hidden Meaning Behind Them

WandaVision Details And Easter Eggs With Hidden Meaning Behind Them

With no new Marvel movies on the horizon for at least a few months more, fans of the MCU had no choice but avert their eyes to the small screen. Luckily, we’ve been given the gift of WandaVision – a show so mind-bending and intricate that we could be discussing it until Phase 17. These are the show’s most notable hidden details and easter eggs.

[post_page_title]The Nexus of the (Marvel Cinematic) Universe[/post_page_title]

Until episode seven, commercials echoed Wanda’s tragic past. This episode marks the first time a product hints that she might be ready to move on from it. The Nexus antidepressant will supposedly “anchor you back to your reality”… or a “reality of your choice.”

The Nexus of the (Marvel Cinematic) Universe

It’s the first time we see someone – Wanda herself – using an advertised product, but there’s a broader significance. In the comics, Wanda’s a Nexus Being – someone who can access any universe and control probability. Our theory? Agatha’s using Wanda to open the multiverse – infinite parallel universes – setting up 2022’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, in which Wanda is confirmed to appear.

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