Tips on how to avoid seasickness

Traveling by boat is one of the oldest forms of long-distance transport. From trading to exploring, people have been using ships or boats for millennia. However, the major downside to traveling on water is the dreaded ‘seasickness’. Seasickness is basically the reaction of the balance system in your inner ear to the rocking motion of the boat. This can lead to several incredibly unpleasant symptoms including nausea, headache, and vomiting. These symptoms generally subside after a few days as your body gets used to this strange motion. But what can you do until you get your ‘sea legs”? Read below for some tips to help you with your seasickness

Keep the horizon in sight

While this may sound strange, keeping an eye on the horizon and using it as a sort of reference may help with seas sickness. This is because, by following the horizon your body will match the movement of the boat with the movement of your surroundings, which can greatly help in reducing the symptoms. It may also help if you look at the horizon from the front of the boat as opposed to the side. If you aren’t able to see the horizon, rather keep your eyes closed as this will prevent various and conflicting signals from reaching your brain which could in fact worsen the symptoms

Tips on how to avoid seasickness

Get fresh air

Enclosed spaces can often make the nausea and headaches associated with seasickness worse. One of the best things you can do is get yourself some fresh air. Try to find a quiet spot outside on the deck and lay down with your eyes closed. If you can, play some soft, calming, and relaxing music. This will help to get your mind off the motion and the sickness. It will also help to reduce anxiety which is a major contributing factor to seasickness.

Watch what you eat

In the weeks leading up to your boat trip, try and stick to foods that your body is comfortable with. This means avoiding foods that are rich or especially spicy. Eat meals that are not so heavy such as chicken or fish as opposed to foods with lots of carbohydrates. You can also try adding some peppermint or ginger to your food as these are naturally soothing herbs.

Don’t use binoculars, cameras, or read for an extensive length of time

Staring at things or using visual aids that your brain would usually consider to be steady and stable is not a good idea. Rather try and avoid these until you get your sea legs, and even then, don’t use them for extended periods of time.

Avoid large amounts of sunlight

As stated above, laying out on the deck can certainly be a great remedy for seasickness. However, try and avoid being in direct contact with the sun, especially for long periods of time. This is because your body may already be feeling dehydrated due to the nausea and or vomiting which will only get worse the longer you spend out in the hot sun.

Stay away from strong smells

Avoiding strong smells can be really helpful in preventing nausea if you are seasick. Try and avoid them as much as you can, and if you feel ill, it’s best to stay away from the dining room or kitchens. Also, try to remain as far away from the engines of the boat as these can produce powerful fumes which can cause you to feel even more ill.

Tips on how to avoid seasickness

Bring medicine

Before you set sail, speak to your local healthcare professional about medicinal remedies. There are plenty of remedies available and many can be purchased over the counter and are relatively inexpensive. Try them out 24 hours before your trip as this way they will already be in your bloodstream before you start moving.

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